About RetailXen

RetailXen is a platform independent web-based commerce solution.

RetailXen is a platform independent web-based commerce solution for purchase, sale, profit, loss, and client-wise ledger etc. It is the complete solution for shop management and to conduct large scale ecommerce purchase-sale activities within the Website. Having all the benefits combined, Retail Xen works as an ecommerce website and content management system with purchase sale software, warranty, and servicing features. This CMS also has a PC Build feature for Customers to build a PC or get a quotation. Benefits: 1. RetailXen will save money for businesses as they will not have to make a separate website. 2. Using Retail Xen, Sellers will not have to perform data entry for Branded Products as almost all known Brands are already pre-filled. All they have to do is insert the Product name and price to enlist them. 3. The PC Builder feature is already included to save personal builds, compare components, and get quotation.

Using RetailXen, the Seller will be able to view their daily, weekly, and monthly profit-loss through the cost basis reports. At the end of the day, they can view how much money is owed between two parties.

Through the ledger system in RetailXen, one Seller can purchase from another Seller using Cash, Credit, or Product. So, the transactions could be done with cash purchase, credit purchase, and product purchase.