RetailXen Blog
What is RetailXen?
RetailXen is a platform independent web-based commerce solution for purchase, sale, profit, loss, and client-wise ledger etc. It is the complete solution for shop management and for conducting large scale ecommerce purchase-sale activities within the Website. Having all the benefits combined, Retail Xen works as an ecommerce website and content management system with purchase sale software, warranty, and servicing features. This CMS also has a PC Build feature for Customer to build a PC or get quotation for different components of a PC.

Why makes RetailXen Unique?
RetailXen provides complete retail solution for managing day-to-day business through the ecommerce software with intuitive user interface that comes with minimum monthly charges in different package plans. The Sellers will be able to manage both The Website and the Admin Panel to build their store, manage Orders, Customers, and sell Products.
The Website
The Website will allow Business Owners to sell their Products and Services online through the Shop powered by the Content Management System. Customers will be able to directly select Products and place Orders through The Website using different Shipping and Payment Options. Orders received will show instantly on Admin Panel.

The Admin Panel
Conversely, the Admin Panel allows personalizing and managing the Shop, adding new Products, taking Orders, managing Customers, generating invoices, and maintaining ledger to start selling right away! The comprehensive Admin Panel will provide all the facilities of maintaining an online businesses with single to multiple Admins to manage The Website with various modules and administrative tools.

Providing all the benefits of a Website, RetailXen allows Business Owners or Sellers to build and manage their own online Shop and The Website for selling Product(s) to target Customers. Having an array of modules on the Admin Panel, the Seller can easily manager Orders, Products, Customers, Brands, Galleries, Pages, Widgets, and Menus etc.