
An explanation on how tags work in the system.

This section discusses the various ways tags can be implemented to group products and orders.

What are Tags?

Tags are entities that can be used to build custom collections of other entities, currently the system support using them with Products, Global Products, and Orders. For instance, apart from pre-defined Product Categories in the system, tenant users/ shop owners can build their own custom product category hierarchy using tags when needed. To clarify with an example, both 4g and 5g phones have been released in 2021, so tags can be crated as 4g and 5g to define those products.

What can you do with Tags?

In the system, Product Categories are pre-defined, the Shop Owners cannot create them. For instance, the Office Solutions category has several sub-categories. So, if a Shop Owner wants to sell Printer-Scanner combo Product, they will have to create a New Category because such category does not exist under Office Solutions category. Tags allow creating New Categories like 3D printer-scanner, receipt printer-scanner, or barcode printer-scanner etc.

product categories page, Office Solutions category has several sub-categories, but if a Shop Owner wants to sell Printer-Scanner combo Product, they will have to create a New Category as such category does not exist under this Category.

Image: Shop Owners can create and enable Tags to use as Product Categories in the Website Shop filter.

Create and Manage Tags

Learn more about how to create, edit, view, and delete Tags.

Add Tags to Products

An explanation on how to add Tags on Products.

Create Child Tag

An explanation on how to add Child Tag under a Parent Tag.

Last modified November 16, 2022: Tags Section Updated (2d3ca027f)